Intro to Event Sourcing & CQRS

Rich Knight

Modelling Data


Id Guid
CustomerId Guid
ShippingAddress String
Placed Bool
Shipped Bool
Id Guid
OrderId Guid
ProductId Int
Quantity Int

Event Sourced

Order Created


Shipping Address Set


3 Lines Added


Line Removed


Order Placed


Order Shipped

Current State

Object Oriented


class Order {
    Guid Id;
    Guid CustomerId;
    String ShippingAddress;
    Bool OrderPlaced;
    Bool OrderShipped;
    List<OrderLine> Lines;

    public void Apply(OrderCreated e) {
        Id = e.Id;
        CustomerId = e.CustomerId;

    public void Apply(LineAdded e) {
        Lines.Add(new OrderLine(e.OrderLineId, /* ... */);



Given a function apply

apply :: State -> Event -> State

Current state is a left fold over previous events

foldl apply EmptyState events


Show me all orders placed in the last week

Command Query Separation (CQS)

Return something OR mutate state. Never both.

void UpdateShippingAddress(string newAddress) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

    _shippingAddress = newAddress;

//Query - No mutation allowed!
int GetNumberOfLines() {
    return _lines.count();


Command Query Responsibility Segregation

  • One data model to service queries
  • Another model to handle our business logic
  • Very often these are completely different
Diagram of an ES/CQRS application

Technical Advantages

  • Time travel
  • Performance
  • Scaling
  • Resilience
  • Backups
  • Testability
  • Reduces accidental complexity
  new OrderCreated(id, ...),
  new ShippingAddressChanged(id, "123 Something Road, Somewhere")
  new AddLineToOrder(id, ...)
  new OrderLineAdded(id, ...)
  new OrderCreated(id, ...),
  new OrderDeleted(id)
  new AddLineToOrder(id, ...)

Business Advantages

  • Talking the same language
  • Flexibility
  • Auditing
